What is Covert Surveillance? - IQVIS Inc.

What is Covert Surveillance?

Covert surveillance is the use of concealed cameras, global positioning systems along other hidden equipment to catch people doing things that are not legal.

Covert surveillance is not just catching someone cheating on their partner or performing illegal activities but it’s also used for catching people who are doing their job illegally. If you believe an employee is being dishonest about the work they are doing, having them followed might provide you with the evidence you need to have them prosecuted.

It is a tool that many private investigators use to help provide clients with information that they may need.

What is the point of having private investigators use covert surveillance?

Private investigators mostly use this form of surveillance in order to get evidence that can lead to criminal charges.

Private investigators will stake out areas and observe people to see if they are breaking the law before calling the police with information. If a person begins stealing items from their place of work, staking out the area where they work might provide investigators with information on when they are supposed to be doing their job and when it is a good time to call the authorities.

Surveillance can also lead to more evidence being found which can then help a person get a better conviction.

How does a private investigator use covert surveillance?

First, a private investigator will need to plan out where they are going to stake out an area. This means finding the location of their target and setting up to watch the area throughout the day.

Next, the private investigator will need to get all of their equipment for surveillance. This can include things like cameras hidden in objects so they are not easily found, night vision goggles and numerous other pieces of equipment meant to help them see at night or look inconspicuous while they are watching an area during the day.

After planning out their surveillance and getting their equipment, a private investigator will need to wait for the right time to stake out an area. The times when they are watching should be when their target is least likely to know that they are being watched. If someone finds out that they are being watched while committing a crime or doing another illegal activity, it could ruin the evidence.

Why do you need an expert Investigator?

An expert private investigator will have the knowledge needed to get the evidence that you are looking for. If you need somebody followed or if you want somebody watched, a private investigator can do this for you while keeping both of your identities protected.

Having an expert private investigator watching someone ensures that they know what they are doing and will be able to do the work legally and safely. Click here to find out more.

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