How Virtual Events Changed The Event Hosting Industry - IQVIS Inc.

How Virtual Events Changed The Event Hosting Industry

The events industry is changing drastically, with hosts and attendees both seeing the benefits of virtual events. The Covid-19 pandemic saw their popularity rise even further, with people still connecting with people from all across the globe from the comfort of their own homes, establishing ways to overcome the barriers that separate them from physical events. As traditional events as we knew them came to such an instant halt, the rise in online equivalents was rapidly fast-tracked, and businesses of all kinds had to quickly adapt to the times if they wished to continue their operations with as much normality as possible.

We’ve seen a huge rise in the capabilities of virtual events, with opportunities to take traditional webinars and meetings up a notch and stand out from the crowd. Keeping attendees engaged is an ongoing challenge, with the threat of so many external disruptions making it easier than ever to click off. As hosts battle the engagement struggle, we’ve seen the addition of new features such as:

  • Smaller breakout rooms allow the attendees to be split into smaller groups where they can engage on a more personal level. Alternatively, breakout rooms can be used for one-on-one scenarios such as interviews.
  • Interactive features like polls and chat boxes mean everyone can get involved, whatever the scale of the event. Many people feel intimidated by the prospect of speaking in front of the entire event, so by allowing attendees to have their input this way, people are more likely to get stuck.
  • Guest speakers such as industry experts or public figures can get involved in the running of the event. Without the barriers such as travel, time, and locations, it is easier than ever to get well-loved figures involved.
  • The ability to record the online event and refer back to it at a later date, perfect for revisiting any key points or catching up on bits that were missed. By having the event available on-demand, the reach of the event can span long after the day itself.

The benefits of virtual events are becoming widely appreciated by both hosts and attendees, making them a preference in many situations which would have not been considered in the past. Costs are reduced for both parties, with no overheads to worry about and no need to travel or find accommodation. It is also much more time effective, requiring less planning time for hosts and being able to slot into a standard day for attendees. As the main barriers of traditional events are overcome, the ability to use budget elsewhere is a great opportunity for businesses to grow in other areas whilst still building a community feel among their audience.

As we look forward, we are expecting the rise in online networking to continue to boom. The opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals on a local, national, or even global scale is a unique experience that can provide value to all. Although physical events can never be replaced fully, we are most definitely adapting to our surroundings and growing our capabilities from all directions.

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