Types of Code Reviews Professional Developers Must Know - Kualitatem

Types of Code Reviews Professional Developers Must Know

Professional developers have prior knowledge that code review is a vital part of any software development life-cycle. But developers are not familiar with the types of security code reviews. Here lies the responsibility of code review services companies to educate their developers about the types of different code reviews. And each type has its own gains and flaws. 

On an extremely high level, code reviews can be classified into two major categories as;

  1. Formal Code Reviews 
  2. Lightweight Code Reviews

Let’s get started on it…

Formal Code Reviews

Formal code reviews are based on formal processes. These types of codes are structured processes trying to suspect defects in codes, specifications, and designs. The basic aim is to define output requirements, inspecting the outcomes at each step while comparing it with desired outcomes. Such a structured approach is not commonly used. 

Nevertheless, If you have to develop software that could cause a loss of life in case of a defect, then such a structured approach for finding defects makes sense.  

For instance, if an organization needs to develop software for a nuclear power plant, then a structured approach is essential to sustain a guarantee that delivered codes are free of bugs. 

But as discussed earlier in this article, developers are not usually working on life-threatening software, therefore mostly a lightweight approach is being implemented for reviewing the codes. 

Let’s discuss what actually is a light weighted approach?

Light-Weight Approach

Light-weight code reviews are most widely employed these days and are generally used by the developers of today’s organizations.

It can be divided into subcategories as;

  • Instant Code Review
  • Over-the-shoulder code review
  • Tool-assisted code review
  • Meeting based code review


  • Instant Code Review


While one developer is engaged in typing codes via keyboards, the other developer is engaged in reviewing the codes simultaneously. This type of code review works best for critical problems. For such type of code reviews, it is highly recommended that both the developers-the typer and the reviewer-must be on the same level of expertise. 


  • Over-the-shoulder code review


This type of code review operates best when the reviewer has no knowledge about the objective of the task. The coder itself produces the code and asks the reviewer to review code immediately, while discussing, reviewing and improving codes together, on the same screen.


  • Tool-assisted code review 


Unlike the synchronous one, this type is generally not done together on the same screen at the same time. As a coder is done with coding, he/she is engaged in other tasks. Later on, the reviewer starts reviewing while using a tool to add comments on it instead of verbally communicating it to the coder.


  • Meeting based code review 


The name itself suggests that under this type, codes are reviewed once in a while when meetings are conducted. This method is employed depending on the nature of the project and its urgency. 


What type of code review services is helpful for your organization? This question can only be answered by your own self. Because you know better what sort of resources and requirements you may have. However, the most recommended one is tool-assisted code review or asynchronous type.

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