Top 7 Knowledge Base Systems that You Should Know About - IQVIS Inc.

Top 7 Knowledge Base Systems that You Should Know About

91% of consumers say they would use an online knowledge base system if it was easy to access and tailored to their needs. 47% of businesses who use knowledge base systems report an increase in sales, while 53% of businesses experience an increase in traffic. 

Knowledge base systems offer these benefits to businesses because they work to improve your customer experience by providing immediate answers to your customers’ and employees’ questions. It also improves your team’s collaboration and productivity. 

However, due to an influx of knowledge base systems in the market, there is always a dilemma of choosing the knowledge base system that is perfect for your business. 

In this article, we’ve compiled the top seven knowledge base software that performs excellently in providing a self-help service for your customers and employees.

Let’s get right into it. 

7 effective knowledge base systems you should try out

The best knowledge base systems are functional, intuitive, and offer a wide range of features you need to create a functional self-help system your customers and employees will love. Find out our top picks for the best knowledge base systems below. 


  • Slite


If you are a remote organization looking for a better way to manage your team and projects, then Slite’s knowledge base is a perfect choice for you. 

It is rated a top knowledge base software for collaboration because it’s not a regular knowledge base system. It doesn’t allow your team to access information efficiently alone; it also works as a powerful collaborative tool. 

Slite allows you and your team to store any type of information, from meeting minutes to reports and proposals, and lets them access it from anywhere they are. 

You can create a cloud-based handbook to facilitate your employee onboarding process. It also serves as an accessible guide for the members of your team to access whenever they need clarification on a project.  

With Slite, you and your team can prepare and run better meetings that work with everyone’s schedule in the team. 

You can jot, organize your ideas, draft proposals and create plans using your private note. Then, share with your team whenever you are ready, thereby enabling better collaborations and better project management. 

Slite knowledge base requires a little learning curve, which makes it easier for your team to use. 

You don’t have to be a tech guru to use Slite, nor do you have to have prior experience with knowledge base systems; its intuitiveness and seamless user interface get you on track easily and on time.  

Due to its functionality and versatility, Slite remains a top pick for organizations that want to improve their remote teams’ organization and productivity.


  • Document360


360 is an efficient knowledge base software for creating an organized external and internal knowledge base for your customers and team. 

It is popular for providing a simple-to-use process, regardless of the multiple features it offers. 

Its clean user interface makes it easy to navigate through its features and set up your knowledge base. Its unique Markdown editor enables you to create and edit your content in no time. 

You can upload how-to guides, articles, and tutorials if you offer a product or service that requires a complicated user process with Document360. You can also create a self-help service for your customers when you build FAQ pages that supply answers to your customers’ questions. 

Document360 also makes it possible to build an internal knowledge base for your team to access files, make documentation, and keep records of projects. Its unique features and functionalities help you create a valuable knowledge base system for your employees and customers. 

  1. Helpjuice 

Helpjuice knowledge base system offers a straightforward user experience that lets you create a comprehensive knowledge base system for your team and users. Its beginner-friendly feature allows you to create and edit your content without a hitch. 

Your customers and employees don’t have to go through a rigorous process to find what they are looking for; Helpjuice’s Google-like search feature allows them to find their answers on time.

Get creative with your knowledge base by exploring the multiple designs features Helpjuice comes with. Change your theme, or customize your theme to fit your brand’s identity. 

If you are curious about what your employees and consumers are searching for the most, then explore Helpjuice’s analytics. There, you will gain insights into what answers your users are looking for the most. 

  1. ZenDesk 

ZenDesk’s knowledge base system helps you create positive experiences with your customers and make collaborations better for your employees. 

Apart from being a knowledge base, ZenDesk doubles as a tool that helps you manage your customer support efficiently. You can manage support tickets and chats with ZenDesk’s array of tools that help you do more than create a knowledge base. 

ZenDesk’s knowledge base offers features that let you improve your customer support experience for your customers. 

For example, you can create a help center for your customers to find helpful resources to troubleshoot any issue they may have with your product or service.

Its integrative feature also allows you to import files from Google Docs and respond to your emails automatically through an AI Answer Bot. 


  • HubSpot Service Hub


HubSpot Service Hub is an all-in-one software for improving your customer support service. It provides a knowledge base, help desk, and effective conversational functions to give your customers a better experience. 

HubSpot Service Hub knowledge base lets you build a library of frequently asked questions, tutorials, and help articles. You can also personalize your knowledge base to help reveal your brand’s personality when you customize your theme and fonts to suit your brand’s style. 

HubSpot Service Hub enables your audience to troubleshoot issues faster through its Google rank function. You can structure your pages to improve your ranking on Google, so your customers can find your knowledge base easily. 

It offers other features to enhance experiences for your customers. They include live chat, a HubSpot CRM platform, automated customer service, and a reporting dashboard that provides actionable insights. 

Explore these features to improve your customer service experience for your customers with HubSpot Service Hub.


  • ServiceNow


ServiceNow platform enables you to provide knowledge base solutions for your team and users. You can create an external knowledge base for your customers and build an internal knowledge base for your employees. 

You can also build a portal where your customers can access information and enjoy customer support through the ServiceNow service portal feature. 

The ServiceNow platform is user-friendly, which makes setting up a knowledge base an easy process. It also comes with useful tools to structure and organize your knowledge base efficiently. 

Apart from creating a knowledge base system, ServiceNow also comes with advanced features that let you enhance your customer support through a chatbox and workflow automation. 


  • KnowAll on WordPress


KnowAll is a theme on WordPress that enables you to include the functions and tools you need to build an excellent knowledge base. You can also integrate third-party apps when you add plugins to your WordPress site. 

KnowAll on WordPress is simple to use. Its intuitive editor lets you create and make changes to your content seamlessly. 

You can create a compelling knowledge base when you select your favorite themes from the different themes available on KnowAll on the WordPress knowledge base. Its integrative feature lets you merge your best tools to get more done. 

Main features of an excellent knowledge base system 

There are crucial features to keep in mind when creating an excellent knowledge base system. Check them out below.


  • Create a search function 


A search function enables your users to find the information they want faster. Don’t make them go through the rigorous process of browsing through articles and guides to find the answers they want. Build a search function that enables them to make quick searches for answers. 


  • Create categories 


When you store various information types without proper categorization, you overwhelm and confuse your users. Create an organized knowledge base by categorizing your content into sections based on the areas of the topic. 

This will make it easier for your users to select the information they want in your knowledge base. 


  • Ask for feedback 


There’s no better way to find out if your knowledge base system is useful for your users than by asking your users directly. 

Find out if your knowledge base system is meeting your users’ needs by asking your users to give you feedback through emojis or comments. 

The insights you gather from your users’ feedback can help you monitor the effectiveness of your knowledge base to produce better results.


  • Include additional resources 


An excellent Knowledge base is a wealth of resources for its users. Add links to resources that discuss more on the topic in question for your users to learn more and gain in-depth knowledge about a solution they want. 

Include links to relevant blogs and tutorials to equip your audience with adequate knowledge in your knowledge base software.


This article discussed the best seven knowledge base systems to explore to create a brilliant knowledge base for your customers and team. 

These knowledge base software include Slite, Document360, Helpjuice, Zendesk, HubSpot Service Hub, ServiceNow, and KnowAll on WordPress.

Try out these effective knowledge base systems to create an outstanding knowledge base for your customers.

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