Tips For Writing Audience Engaging Content - IQVIS Inc.

Tips For Writing Audience Engaging Content

Almost all businesses are marketing their products and services online. This has led to customers facing a huge amount of content daily. From videos, ads, blogs, photos, etc., there is so much for one to keep up with. As an entrepreneur, you are facing so much competition that the only way to succeed is by creating content that your audience can connect with. The question in any business owner’s mind is how to attract the customers’ attention. Here are a few tips on how you can create original, well-planned, and intentional content.

Create Reader-Friendly Content

Time is a precious resource, meaning most people tend not to read past the headlines. However, you can make your article reader-friendly by ensuring one can easily skim through your content and understand the message you are trying to communicate. Fortunately, this is not something complicated. For instance, break your article into headers and subheaders to keep the content organized. You can also use bullet points or lists as they are easy to follow, hence engaging. A reader will get the message immediately without having to process too much information.

Be Intentional With Your Content

When you are writing content, always think of your audience. How do you want them to feel, or what do you want them to learn when reading the article? Place yourself in that position, then use that information as a guide. For instance, say you are trying to sell a service. What are the benefits of the service you are providing? What problems will you be solving? This is what creating with intent is all about. Some tips to help you include:

  • Identify your goal
  • Focus on what your audience will be interested in
  • Think of the advantages of your product or serve
  • Customize your content to meet the audiences’ needs

Using A Catchy Headline

Among the number of people that will read the headlines of the content, it is only about 20% that will read the rest of the information. That is because the headline is the first thing people read. If it is not attention-grabbing, people will not bother with the rest of the content, no matter how authentic or interesting it is. Try and tease the audience with a bit of information that will make them want to continue reading. Make your headline relevant to the audience and make them want to learn more, and also, keep it short.

Create Action-Oriented Content

Another way to engage your audience is by creating content that is action-oriented. It will encourage readers to take action, whether it is downloading a newsletter, visiting your physical store, or signing up for a free trial. Make it easy for the readers to perform these actions as this increases the possibility of them doing it. For instance, how about a clear and concise call to action (CTA) at the bottom of the page?

Keep Your Target Audience In Mind

Content that is relevant to baby boomers will not hold the same appeal for gen Z. That is why it is important to research who your target for the content is. You can find someone offering a content marketing service to achieve this. One of the advantages of knowing your targeted audience is that it can also help you come up with a better marketing strategy.

Use Facts And Statistics

People tend to believe information that has been backed up by facts and numbers. When people see statistics, it will feel like they are getting an objective point of view on the issues being discussed. Facts also help readers see the extent of a trend, problem, or circumstance. Another advantage of facts and statistics is that a reader is likely to carry your content with some weight.

Have Different Types of Contents

People consume information differently. While some people are drawn to texts, others find them exhausting, and they would rather engage with other types of media such as images, videos, infographics, or slide shares. Try and break up the text and make your content more appealing to your readers. For instance, if you write about the new product you just launched, include a video of how the product works.

Engaging content will help you connect with your audience, leading to you achieving your goals. Use the tips listed above to develop content that your audience will love.

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