IoT Cloud Platforms - IQVIS Inc.

IoT Cloud Platforms

The Internet of Things market is developing as faster as anybody expected. The annual turnover of IT companies already exceeds trillions of dollars. One of the latest trends in the development of such technologies is IoT cloud platforms technology.

How to choose the right IoT cloud platform?

To choose the right IoT cloud platform, the consumer needs to decide on the range of tasks and create a technical paper that addresses important questions:

  •         To what extent do the software capabilities allow you to solve all the tasks assigned to the system?
  •         How much memory is required to process and store all the incoming information?
  •         Which provider or developer can solve all the tasks that the user sets before him?
  •         What level of security and protection against cyberattacks can the supplied software provide?
  •         What level of staff training is required, what determines the convenience and simplicity of the program interface?
  •         Does the platform need to scale as the consumer’s business increases?

Ideally, all the tasks described above should fully satisfy the needs of the customer, provided that the cloud service and all the functions of the software are used correctly.

The main features and characteristics of the IoT Platform

IoT Platform, which is integrated into automation systems, databases, and software of various enterprise services, has the following basic characteristics:

  •         Processing of transmitting devices – passive tags, barcodes, or electromagnetic gadgets.
  •         Transfer of information to the user device.
  •         If necessary, store data on a cloud server of the required volume.
  •         The ability to control any equipment using remote access.
  •         The possibility of installing applications and activating them through the registration of new users on the PC or mobile devices,
  •         Coordination and control of the performance of each reader device.
  •         Possibility of two-way exchange of information both within the company and in relations between partners.

Many developers, subject to the availability of standard terms of reference, can offer ready-made solutions, which significantly reduces the time for creating and implementing software.

Main functions of the IoT Platform

IoT Platform is necessary for business owners with a large number of decentralized departments to achieve the following goals:

  •         Analysis of the business plan, search for similar solutions from competitors, profit forecasting by reducing costs and increasing turnover.
  •         Compliance with standards in the maintenance of a business idea, to simplify the turnover. This ensures that staff search and management are easy, since, when implementing the previously developed IoT Platform model, most specialists have already been trained in the correct management of the system.

Decentralized platforms of the Internet of Things are equipped with the most advanced security modules, which eliminates the risk of third-party implementation, and also the theft of personal data of users.

8 most popular IoT platforms

To simplify the search for a ready-made solution, the TOP-8 of the most popular and affordable IoT platforms are offered below, which allows the user to navigate before buying and make the right decision.


One of the largest companies in the world that offer fully scalable turnkey solutions for any business area. The main advantages of the developer:

  •         A huge number of modifications.
  •         The highest level of cyber security with multi-stage unique data encryption.
  •         Possibility of joint work with other types of software and executive devices.
  •         Supports all known communication channels.
  •         Wide opportunities for business development, thanks to the unlimited scaling of cloud settings.

The most famous platform from Amazon is FreeRTOS, which allows you to easily connect any peripheral devices and maintain full control over your business.


A unique platform that allows both collecting, transmitting, and storing data on actuating devices and in cloud storage, as well as visualizing them by converting a signal into command sets. This platform is very popular due to the presence of several important functions:

  •         Ability to analyze telemetry data.
  •         Convenient information visualization system.
  •         The platform is ideal for business asset management.
  •         Wide opportunities for horizontal scaling, which eliminate the overload of gateways and peripherals.
  •         High level of security.
  •         Various modifications are created using both a monolithic architecture and microservices.

The software is easy to implement, configure and use. The staff is easily trained to work correctly, which eliminates failures due to the human factor.

Microsoft Azure

Professional software that works at large industrial enterprises and other large-scale facilities. Due to the presence of a complex mechanism for processing and encrypting data, it is used in the following categories of objects:

  •         IoT transmitter and receiver controller for large retailers or industrial enterprises.
  •         Ability to integrate a platform to eliminate errors during reading and processing information for IoT software used in various industries.
  •         A full level of automation and convenience of dispatching in the building management system, as well as for controlling the consumption of energy resources.

Although this software is not cheap due to the high level of security and wide scalability, it is in great consumer demand among large businesses.


One of Amazon’s direct competitors. The company offers various types of cloud storage, as well as a convenient user interface for the fast processing of information coming from peripheral devices. Basic features of Google IoT Platforms:

  •         Most modifications of IoT platforms are based on building modules, which allows the developer to offer more typical settings.
  •         Reliable support and periodic releases keep the system up to date and optimize it.
  •         All business assets are tracked in real-time.
  •         The developer offers a separate line of intelligent products for organizing efficient logistics and warehousing of products.
  •         Google products are used to equip advanced automated control systems for smart homes and cities.

For each customer who has purchased a licensed product, Google offers a cloud storage trial with up to 250 MB

Oracle IoT

According to many experts, the software provided by this developer is the most efficient IoT tool. Allows you to maintain and maintain huge cloud storage, makes it possible to scale your business and add new settings in real-time.

In the enterprise catalog, you can find various solutions for automating business processes, from a simple supply chain management system to the most complex developments that allow you to combine all the functions of automation and control from remote executive devices.

IBM Watson

The company produces one of the safest products in the world. A multi-level patented encryption system provides full protection of personal data. Widely used in banking and other companies. work with valuable assets of the client.


One of the few systems that provide a seamless exchange of information between clients. It is convenient when there are several different companies in the asset portfolio of the enterprise, whose branches are located in different countries.

The software is used not only by the leadership of big business but also by government agencies in many developed countries.

Cisco IoT

One of the most affordable IoT platforms for the public. The developer focused on the integration of the system in the form of mobile applications, which provides convenient management of the rental of transport, payment of utilities, and other cloud services, which involve maintaining a personal account in the system and performing remote transactions.

To choose the optimal IoT platform, just contact our company and an experienced team of engineers will brainstorm. Together with you, we will fill out a questionnaire and select the best tool to increase business profitability in the shortest possible time.

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