How is Graphic & Web Design Connected? 5 Things You Should Know - IQVIS Inc.

How is Graphic & Web Design Connected? 5 Things You Should Know

When it comes to the online space, quite a few aspects, although different, are somewhat related. The primary reason is that they often fall under an umbrella term. Plus, the tools used are more or less the same, so that doesn’t help either.

The same predicament concerns the concepts of graphic design and web design. Both fall under “art design” and can be implemented using the same software.

Here is how a web design agency differentiates between the two.

Defining the terms

Web design

Web design consists of varied skills for producing and maintaining websites. The other aspects include interface design, user experience design, authoring (standardized code and proprietary software) and search engine optimization.

Graphic design

Graphic design encompasses visual communication using typography, photography and illustration. This visual communication can use either one or more of these areas. It is the combination of symbols, images, and texts that puts forth the ideas and messages.

Shared Principles

The principles governing both concepts are more or less the same; they serve as building blocks. All elements are equally applicable in different contexts.


Like how an open space overlooking the greenery and landscape offer serenity and tranquillity, the same is for web design and graphic design. Spacing out the elements helps attract attention to the crucial aspects. Fitting all elements in a single composition can be perceived as over-selling and pushy. It is claustrophobic for the viewer, and overall not a good feeling to have.


Like how fixtures and furniture are spread out in houses to offer balance and alignment, the same is with web design and graphic design. However, businesses need to be creative with it. The elements add comfort to the eyes when taking in the entire visual. So spread the pieces across the website to create alignment and offer a comfortable viewing experience to users.


Like how web content consists of About Us, What We Offer, Products and Services sections, the same is with the design elements. These subsections make up the hierarchy of the web design. One would want to get a background about the company before subscribing to its products and services. You wouldn’t want to buy items from a brand that does not give out their story, would you now? In the general scheme of things, the larger the design element, the better.

Both impact the page load times

While the backend and data management are crucial aspects that help keep the website running smoothly, the web graphics also determine the page load time. Like how images take up more space and size than text, the same way complex graphics are time-intensive for the webpage. Although helpful in increasing the overall aesthetic appeal of the company website, they can scare off your audience due to sluggish behavior. So, when implementing graphic and web design, the trade-off needs to be kept in mind.

Understanding the basic guidelines will come in handy. So, get the file format right. For instance, images with solid colors are best as PNGs and GIFs. On the other hand, ones with continuous colors are JPGs. Additionally, several tools help optimize the images and lower the file sizes too.


The core principle of doing right by user-friendliness is to opt for a design that is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly. Design and interface that speak of minimalism have high usability as it is less confusing, but it can seem run-off-the-mill if not done right. A good idea is to have impactful elements, but not too many on a single page.

Only elements that have a purpose should be included. Ask yourself these questions for more clarity:

  • Is this needed? Can your design do without this?
  • What is the functionality of this element? How does it help the visitor or user?
  • If I remove the element, will the overall aesthetic and purpose be impacted?
  • How does this element contribute towards the goal, message, and purpose of the website?

A new concept seems great initially, but it needs to be accessible and intuitive to the user. The reason is users are accustomed to particular interaction methods, site features, and interfaces. It cannot be obscure and puzzling. If so, it will shoo away visitors instead of attracting them. So, the moral of the design story is to be creative but simple and clean.

Another aspect that relates to user-friendliness is website navigation. Without an efficient system, users will be stuck on the page that they land. Navigation should be usable and accessible to visitors. You can add quirky images or GIFs to indicate prompts or call-to-actions, such as using the mobile phone or telephone image for the contact us section. Whatever be your strategy, it should allow users to get to their desired content with ease.

Flexible and Maintainable design

Whether website or web graphic, its design should be flexible and maintainable. Doing so makes updates and modifications a whole lot easier. Also, malleable and easy-to-maintain sites are indications of a proficient web designer. The primary consideration here is to separate style and structure. Yet, have both elements must be present on the website concurrently to create a captivating vibe.

Parting words

The web design industry is dynamic and young, and there is immense scope going ahead. With ample potential for further merging web and graphic designing, flexible and maintainable web designs that articulate their message through engaging graphics will be the thing of tomorrow.

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