Get a lightning speed webpage download – switch to CDN from a traditional web host - IQVIS Inc.

Get a lightning speed webpage download – switch to CDN from a traditional web host

Did you know that more than 60% of online users switch to other weblinks due to the slow loading? More than 50% of the websites lose their potential clients because of poor networking speed. With the technology being so dynamic and changes coming to SEO strategies, it is imperative to investigate this direction.

Sometimes, a great business and brilliant website might not fetch customers only because of speed issues with your website. Let’s explore the possibilities to tackle this problem by understanding the benefits and operational techniques of the Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Introduction to CDN

Content Delivery Network (CDN) is the term for the geographical distribution of servers that work together to provide faster internet service. The CDN supports the lightning-speed transfer of assets that are part of the content – JavaScript files, HTML, images, videos, animations, and stylesheets. It means you can transfer data from Europe to any SEO company in India within a flash of time.

Over the years, the services of CDN are gaining popularity, and currently, the majority of web traffic is dependent on it. Even web titans like Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook are reliant on CDN. A robust CDN also protects the websites from malicious attacks like Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDOS).

CDN vs. Web host

CDN is not a web hosting channel but, it supports caching the previous browsing history for future retrieval. This way, CDN helps in improving the performance of websites. The traditional web hosting is different and sometimes results in a delay in loading. Therefore, a lot of people are switching to CDN services to eliminate this issue.

Reducing the re-loading every time and using the cache is the ideal approach to faster the speed of webpages. The CDN platform leverages this by utilizing the cache version and lays less stress on the hosting bandwidth. It also helps in providing a more formidable security system and uninterrupted service throughout. These are the reasons that make CDN a preference over conventional web hosting methods. However if you are still considering web hosting, you may look at the Black Friday Bluehost deals.

Advantages of CDN

There are many benefits of hosting over CDN but, it also depends on the size of the internet requirement. However, on generic terms, most users experience the following benefits:

  • Improvement in website loading time: The CDN allows you to host the websites closer to the visitors – this is an additional benefit that improves loading speed. According to the study by one of the search engine titans, if a visitor spends more than 3 seconds on one web link for loading, it guarantees to dump that web page and switch to other links. This fact speaks a lot about the importance of webpage loading. And CDN plays a crucial role in enhancing the speed of websites. It reduces the bounce rate and helps in building loyalty to the web pages.
  • Reduction in bandwidth: The primary expenditure for any Webhosting is bandwidth consumption. CDN makes use of the cached version of the previous browsing. This approach helps reduce the cost to a large extent, as every time you visit the same site, it pulls the pages from the cache.
  • Improves content visibility and redundancy: With traditional hosting, you would experience hardware failures and constant interruption in website functionalities. However, with the CDN, there is an enormous amount of web traffic diverting in various directions without any bottlenecks. The channels are smooth and can handle hardware failures better than other servers.
  • Robust web security: Website security is the top-most advantage of CDN. The healthy web channels of CDN provide protection from online malicious attacks like DDoS that leads to significant disruptions.

CDN and its operations 

The core focus of CDN is to offer faster, economical, reliable, and secured networking. The simple approach is to plant servers at various exchange points dependent on the geographical requirements of the network. When different servers link together for better connectivity and faster global delivery, it is CDN.

The various internet exchange points (IXPs) are the critical location spots were several internet providers connect to give traffic. Since there are specific points for disseminating the network, the speed increase and thus reduces the cost of multiple loading of webpages. The CDN provider decreases the price and boosts the transit time resulting in high-speed data transfer.

There are other SEO benefits through CDN, viz., faster data transfer between client/server, robust security system, data loss mitigation by using a cache, removal of web congestion, and safety from malicious attacks.

CDN glossary

Anycast: To address the network requirement and route it to appropriate locations is the primary function of ‘Anycast.’ In CDN terms, Anycast routes the incoming web traffic from different nodes to the closest data center by ensuring speed and processing efficiency. The selective routing enables the ‘Anycast’ network a robust platform to handle heavy web traffic that results in congestion and DDoS attacks.

Datacenter: A hub or centralized platform that provides network connectivity to different computers for smoother processing, storage, and data sharing. Many of the mega-companies are dependent on data centers as a base for delivering online services.

Origin server: The primary function of the origin server is to receive, process, and respond to the internet requisitions from the client internet. The term origin server is commonly associates with edge server and caching server. Multiple programs are running at once on the origin server. It is responsible for handling website traffic and managing the extension of data transfer so that it doesn’t overload the processing and latency does not become the prime concern.

Edge server: An edge server is a computer that exists at the network’s extremer side or ‘edge.’ The primary function of the edge server is to connect the gaps between two separate networks. A CDN edge server helps store the content as near as possible to the client computer to reduce the latency and eventually pump up the page load speed.

Internet exchange point (IXP): An IXP is the meeting point for Internet Service Providers (ISP) and CDN connections. These are strategic locations found on various networks’ edges and enable the providers to transfer data from their computers.

Revival of SEO tactics this 2022 shall bring colossal positive change to your business. Why not try it!

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