How to Excel At Writing Good Test Cases - IQVIS

How to Excel At Writing Good Test Cases

QA teams render more than 70% of their efforts in test case design and test case execution. So what exactly is a test case? A test case is a written document that provides comprehensive information on what needs to be tested and how it will be tested. A test case contains the objective, description, steps, and most important of all, the expected output of the tests. Testers use test case management tools to ensure proper planning of the testing processes. 

It is rare to find a tester who does not know the importance of test cases, as writing them down is an important part of a QA cycle. Writing strong test cases can be beneficial in a project and it can help in the following ways: 

Reduces Review and Execution Effort – A test case should be well-written and easy-to-understand and takes less time to review and execute it. In a QA team, it is most likely that the creator of the test case does not execute the test case. It saves time and reduces the time wasted on communication amongst the testers. 

Identifies Defects in the Project Lifecycle – Test case design requires listing down the positive and negative scenarios. Testers should document those details in an organized manner that helps in identifying gaps for design issues. 

Maximum Test Coverage – Test cases are an indicator of planned test coverage. Business owners review each test case to determine the scope and coverage before approving it for execution. A test case with complete coverage leaves a good impression on the reviewer so that it does not require much feedback. 

Excel at Writing Good Test Cases 

Following are a few tips to write good test cases:

Single objective -Test cases should be written to cover the main areas of testing. Each test case should aim to achieve only a single purpose. Collective goals in a test case may cause incorrect results, tracking and impact the effectiveness of testing metrics.

Complete test case –  Even if the steps are added in any other test case linked with a module, they need to be included in all the test cases. Each test case should be independent and executed easily by anyone. 

Domain experts write test cases – It is only possible for domain professionals to write test cases based on their experience. It is recommended that teams should involve their senior testers in the process of creating test cases.

Avoid assumptions while creating test cases – If test cases are based on assumptions, problems can occur during execution. Test case coverage should include input conditions, but it is important to keep it close to real events. Thus, there should be clarity while writing test cases. 

QA teams use test case management tools to speed up the software delivery process. The above guidelines can be helpful in releasing quality software applications to the end-users. Well-written test cases can be time-consuming and repetitive, but they can make test execution an easier process. 

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