How to Create Effective Web Forms: A Detailed Guide - IQVIS Inc.

How to Create Effective Web Forms: A Detailed Guide

Web forms are one of the leading conversion tools. It is the well-designed “Order” button that will increase website conversion and bring revenue to your company. Today’s guide will look at how to create the right web forms that are easy to use and enjoyable for customers. At the end of the article, you’ll also find a bonus – a checklist you can use to verify the correctness of your company’s web forms.

What Are Web Forms

Web forms are a simple tool and one of the primary sources of leads on a website. Professional UX/UI design agencies (read this UX Medium article) know that with this tool, it is possible to build a good stream of applications for any webpage. In order for the web form to bring a steady stream of profit rather than a weak trickle of non-targeted applications, it is essential to make it convenient for visitors. And do not forget about the security if you do not want to receive spam instead of leads.

Top Tips on Making Web Forms

Now let us look at a couple of battle-tested techniques recommended by professional designers that greatly help improve the webforms.

Be Original in Moderation

Creativity is good, but sometimes you can go too far with it. For obvious elements like checkboxes and web forms, use classic solutions. This will help to not confuse the user. For example, separate the two types of boxes with a checkmark and a radio button.

If both boxes are with checkmarks or radio buttons, this can confuse the visitor and they will go to your competitors, whose design is more straightforward, instead. Remember the main rule – do not make the user think.

Less Is More

When creating forms, remove all unnecessary information. Leave only the necessary items that are needed. If you don’t need to know the user’s gender, their place of residence, salary, or the name of their beloved cat, remove it. Overloading web forms with information overwhelms the visitor’s brain.

It will also save you from many problems down the line. You don’t have to get tons of unnecessary information and then understand it with the help of advanced software. Think about which fields should be left in your web forms and which ones can be removed.

Properly Structure the Information

Make forms easy. Try to use more modern UI design,and follow the trends in web-form design. Your task is to make the user think less and submit only relevant information, preferably immediately in one web form.

Set up Autosave

Sometimes a force majeure situation may occur – the user will close the page, for example. If automatic storage is not enabled when filling out web forms, the loss of information can cause the user to leave the website, especially if they had to fill in a lot of information.

Tip: Sometimes, autosaving is not worth enabling. For example, if your site is dedicated to the banking sector or if you work in e-commerce. Take care of your visitors’ safety first.

Enable Validation

Checking all the data before pressing the call-to-action button will help the user make sure that they have entered all the information correctly. If the validation is not configured, an error similar to automatic saving may occur – after clicking the button, a bunch of errors will appear, and everything will have to be filled in again. This will significantly increase their desire to leave the site.

Instruments that help you make web forms 

If you need to make efficient web forms fast, these tools can help.

JSON Forms

This tool helps to create forms with a minimum amount of coding. It includes data binding, validation, and custom styles for custom widgets. Works with Redux and React/Angular support.


An unusual solution is a form-generation program that is installed on a PC. It creates forms using Modern Flat, Metro, Bootstrap, and Solid. It generates not only HTML but PHP forms as well.

Google Forms

Google Forms helps to create forms (but is more suitable for surveys) in a simple interface. It stores data in spreadsheets and shows statistics about the answers. Forms can only be accessed through links; they cannot be put directly on the website. There is also no way to add your styles and scripts. Nevertheless, it is an excellent tool to interview employees or arrange an event.


This tool has a broader functionality than Google forms. It allows you to create interactive forms and surveys with the custom logic transition between fields. This is the best tool for marketers when you need to test an idea or collect contacts for newsletters.


Creating forms for a website is an art that is difficult to master, but practice will allow you to design the right web forms that will increase conversion.

To determine the effectiveness of web forms, it is recommended to use testing (for example, split testing) and the checklist from this post. Use it to see how well designed your web forms are.

Is your web form created correctly? Check now!

  1. Is there only the information you need?
  2. Is it served correctly?
  3. Does the user understand how to use the form?
  4. Is autosaving enabled?
  5. Does validation work?

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