Cloud-Based Regression Testing – Ensure Minimum Disruption - IQVIS Inc.

Cloud-Based Regression Testing – Ensure Minimum Disruption

Enterprises can gain a plethora of benefits when regression testing is performed on the cloud for a software application for easy accessibility, continuous testing, virtualization, integration, better security, and performance.

According to the Forrester study, elastic scalability, fast and easy accessibility, and pay-per-use pricing models make cloud computing excellent for AD & D (Application Development and Delivery) professionals looking to create a cloud testing approach to deliver applications faster and better. By leveraging the cloud, many firms can ensure the quality at speed and easy to find the cloud model to acquire numerous benefits and understand what type of testing is needed to perform.

Though the nature of software applications is multidimensional, dynamic, and complex, and the most important thing is such applications can run on several devices that use browsers, different operating systems, and networks.

One of the common challenges that all enterprises face is getting a delivery of applications from months to weeks and weeks to days. Undoubtedly, today companies take less time while developing and deploying these applications and ensuring to offer the quality level of service.

However, sometimes some emergency cases arise in front of them, especially when upgrading the application after deployment with new features or functionality as per market demands or customer feedback. This concept scared companies in terms of that the new function or feature can have a negative impact on the existing ones. And, when they try to boost the application’s quality and fulfill the market’s demands, the upgrade or changes sometimes completely damage the product.

To avoid such issues, it becomes necessary for businesses to hire the regression testing service provider to implement end-to-end regression testing in the development chain and to ensure firms that after making changes in previous functions, the application will work smoothly and without any errors or defects.

Let’s check out what is regression testing and why there is a critical need for conducting cloud-based regression testing.

Regression Testing & Importance of Cloud-Based Regression Testing  

Regression testing is a kind of software testing that one can consider to identify recent changes in the code or program that don’t have a detrimental impact on the software’s existing functionalities.

Additionally, Regression testing plays a crucial role in Agile to make sure that after making new transformations to previous features, the application will work perfectly.

Therefore, due to frequent software updates, Regression testing becomes commonplace because if the new upgrade has a negative impact on the program’s features, then there is no means of building an application. After all, no customer likes to run the buggy application.

Moreover, keeping up with all rapid changes, strict timing of the new software iterations, and production feedback process becomes one of the challenging tasks when you try to update and adapt them at a later stage.

Thus, to make the application more efficient, the chapter on automation-based regression testing or regression testing services get revised here. However, the purpose of regression testing on the cloud is to help QA engineers achieve a consistent user experience and maximum efficiency regardless of the circumstance. That’s why when it comes to ensuring minimum disruptions, cloud-based regression testing comes into play.

When choosing normal regression testing services, the service providers perform software application testing to discover the impact of existing functionalities or/and the app’s features. Nevertheless, in Agile DevOps, this process becomes the crucial requirement to check, especially when testing and development go hand-in-hand because every software application requires periodic-based upgrades to stay in synchronization with the omnichannel operating environment, which includes operating systems, devices, browsers, and any other things. And, due to such scenarios, Software Regression Testing acts as one of the constants features in the development lifecycle to ensure that the updated application is free from defects and will perform as expected in terms of functionality and whether it is the purpose of satisfying performance needs.

Inversely, when it comes to implementing in reality or help users get what they want, Regression testing becomes a cumbersome, expensive, and time-consuming task.

Thence, to make regression testing services most cost-effective for business owners and to satisfy their needs instantly or more than their expectations, conducting cloud-based testing becomes the only the right option because it helps give the remarkable user’s experience and ensures the optimal performance of the software, plus enables testers to get access to a wide variety of live networks and devices globally.

Therefore, if you are the person who wants to increase the scope of your business application and run your application without any defects, you should consider the reliable regression testing service provider or its services to test your application quickly across different devices or platforms. The reason is that when end-to-end regression testing is being operated on the cloud, it becomes feasible for you to get the delivery of an application that supports an optical performance and help your users get an excellent application experience, regardless of the type of device or mediums they are using.

Some Benefits of Leveraging Cloud-based Regression Testing   
Continuous Testing: 

In companies, they use an Agile-DevOps model to test continuously and achieve faster time–to–market that ultimately assists in delivering a superior user experience. One of the significant benefits of cloud-based regression testing solutions is one can get access to a central repository and collaborate with other team members to get the application’s testing in the right way.


Cloud supports virtualization to test the application with greater flexibility and efficiency. As modern or technology-oriented applications are becoming more complex and require an omnichannel environment to perform comprehensive testing. With cloud-based virtualization support, the regression testing experts can share resources from a central repository and easy to minimize capital costs.


In the era of cyber-attacks, getting the top level of protection for your business applications becomes one of the essential tasks. Yet, the best part of a cloud-based DevSecOps model is that you can address security-related glitches if any present in features or functionality of the application during testing.

Ease of Access: 

With Cloud-based Solutions, complexity can be easy to reduce, and integration tasks take less time because the testing service provider prefers the automation tools that include a plug and play feature to focus on the core requirements of the organization.

Performance Testing & Best Integration Support: 

Cloud-based solutions are used for regression testing services due to the allowance of simulating virtual users at affordable costs.

In addition, it aids you in identifying hidden defects or issues in no time. Apart from this, one just needs to prepare the schedule for testing and assign the application task to those testers who have easy availability of load and performance testing tools to run the test in real-time.

Furthermore, with automatic load and performance testing tools, the testing team can collaborate with developers and resolve the issues with ease. Besides, Cloud-based Testing is fantastic for the effortless integration of new builds into the application. Moreover, it supports the non-stop parallel testing execution and lets you expand your test scenarios without any hassle.


In the digital era, Cloud-based Regression Testing becomes a need of the hour for testing software or applications. It helps QA members get Agile-friendly and Flexible Development and Testing Tools to conduct testing from different parts of the regions.

Also, with effective cloud-oriented regression testing services, enterprises can easily ensure minimum disruptions and perform parallel-based testing to run the software product smoothly and without any loopholes, including these services helps you keep the cost under control.

Lastly, if you want to improve the application and get a guarantee of the quality while making changes to the existing functionality or adding new features, don’t forget to hire the regression testing service provider because it has a key to all of your app’ quality-related solutions and lets you fulfill your custom needs as well as make it possible for you to derive positive outcomes and enhancements.

Author Bio:

Kanika Vatsyayan is Vice-President of Delivery and Operations at BugRaptors who oversees all the quality control and assurance strategies for client engagements. She loves to share her knowledge with others through blogging. Being a voracious blogger, she published countless informative blogs to educate audience about automation and manual testing.

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