7 Essential Marketing Considerations to Expand Your SaaS Company - IQVIS Inc.

7 Essential Marketing Considerations to Expand Your SaaS Company

As of August 2020, there were about 122,000 SaaS companies listed on SaaShub. This means that whether you are just starting up as a Saas company or you’ve been around for a while, you have tons of companies to compete with. 

This also means that to stand out and thrive among thousands of existing SaaS companies, you have to do more than create a basic SaaS marketing strategy. You need to stay tuned to the trends and constantly improve your marketing strategy to be on top of the game. 

Wondering how to expand your marketing strategy to cut through the noise, attract and retain the right subscribers to grow a thriving SaaS company? Then, you are in the right place. 

This article will walk you through seven actionable tips you can include in your marketing strategy to achieve tremendous results with your marketing efforts. 

Let’s jump right into it. 

7 Proven tips to adopt into your marketing strategy for exponential growth 

Growing your business requires practical strategies that ensure you stay on top of your game as the business progresses. Here are seven proven marketing strategies for SaaS companies.

  • Restrategize your content marketing game 

Pretty much every SaaS company claims to have a content marketing strategy. But effective content marketing goes beyond having random posts about your services on your blog. 

Effective content marketing is strategic, valuable, relatable, and timely. It works to create value for your readers, establish your company as a huge authority in the industry and builds trust that converts your readers to customers. 

How do you create a working content marketing strategy for your SaaS company? Simply focus on putting value first. Let your readers leave your blog with knowledge gained or their problems solved. 

Lower your attempts to sell your products within your content overtly, instead, answer your customers’ questions, provide solutions to their problems, and dish timely, relatable content that meets their current needs. 

This way, your customers will never feel like you’re only trying to sell to them whenever they visit the website or read your blog. Rather, they will see you as a customer-centric brand, which will make them loyal to you and trust you enough to do business with you. 

  • Supercharge your SEO 

If you invest your time and effort into dishing out relevant content on your website and blog, you must work hard to ensure your readers actually consume your content. 

However, your audience can’t consume your content if they never find you in the first place. So, you want to ensure you up your SEO game to be seen by thousands of people who are hungry for the valuable information you provide. 

Work to put your website among the top results on Google search rankings without always running ads. You can enhance your search engine ranking performance by improving your SEO organically. 

The basic step is to work with relevant keywords using tools like Yoast or SemRUSH. Then, conduct keyword research and identify the keywords your audience uses most when looking for content relating to your product, service, or industry. 

Capitalize on these keywords; create topics around these keywords. Answer your audience’s most asked questions, and you will notice improved traffic on your website. 

  • Improve your website’s UI and UX 

Your website is usually your visitors’ first point of call. They go there for more information about your brand, to read your blog, and subscribe to your services. 

As a SaaS company, it’s possible that almost all your marketing efforts are channeled to getting your audience to visit your website. But what happens when your visitors get to your website and find it difficult to load a page successfully?

Many of your visitors will leave, of course. For example, statistics show that 53% of mobile users exit a website once a page takes more than three seconds to load. 

Make your website accessible and easy to navigate for your users whenever they visit your website by creating an excellent User Interface and User Experience for them. 

Create excellent website aesthetics that aren’t just attractive but straightforward and clear to guide your visitors to do what they plan to do on your site. Make their journey seamless by putting their needs and expectations into consideration. Enhance your website’s speed, and make it mobile-friendly to accommodate over 70% of users who access the web with their mobile devices. 

  • Offer free trials

We all love freebies, even if it’s for a short period. Free trials are your subscribers’ sweet spot and a great way to keep them hooked when you follow them up correctly. 

Also, if your audience still has doubts about your products, offering free trials is an excellent way to get them to try your products; no commitment is attached. Free trials work so well because your audience won’t have to pay for them, so it’s easier to get them to sign up. 

It’s also a clever way to get your subscribers to experience how amazing your product is, earn their trust, and leave them wanting more. So, when the trial period ends, they will have to choose and commit fully to your product. 

  • Invest in practical and personalized email marketing 

This oldest form of marketing remains the most effective marketing tool to nurture your leads. 

After you’ve got your audience on your website and successfully hooked them with valuable content, a good website UI and UX, or a free trial, the next step is to follow up through personalized email marketing. 

So, segment your email list according to the types of subscribers you have on your email list to personalize your email marketing campaign. It works because personalized email marketing generates an average ROI of 122%.

You can segment your email list into active, semi-active, and inactive users. 

These three segments need different types of content. Inactive subscribers need some convincing; so you can create content that makes them see why they need to use your product. 

Create content that will get your semi-active subscribers more interested in your product. Turn your active subscribers into loyal subscribers by constantly engaging them, offering discounts, and lots more. 

  • Create personalized CTAs

Call-to-actions, also called CTAs, are very critical to your SaaS marketing strategy because they tell your users what to do. So, it’s good to harness their power at every point of your customers’ journey. 

Don’t assume your audience knows what to do; tell them what to do, and make it clear. There are different strategies to write CTAs, but some strategies have proven to work better than others. 

For example, personalized CTAs buttons perform 202% better than regular CTA buttons. 

So rather than use the generic “sign up now” CTA button, why not go for something more personalized and beneficial to your user like “sign up now to start your free trial” or “I want my free trial now?”

Also, make your CTA button as straightforward as possible. Don’t confuse your users by telling them to do many things at once. It helps to separate your CTAs from the rest of the text to be as conspicuous as possible. 

Consider highlighting your CTAs in bright colors and bold text for best results. 

  • Track your progress with demand generation metrics

Now that you’ve adopted all the tips discussed above, how do you know they are generating the desired results for sure? 

A practical way to measure your results is to use demand generation metrics. This helps you know if the efforts and time you’ve invested into your SaaS marketing strategy generate the sales and revenue you desire.

There are different demand generation metrics you can adopt to track your results. They include Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs), Sales Accepted Leads (SALs), Cost per Acquisition (CAC), Signups, and more. 

Measuring your efforts through these metrics will help you know your high and low points and know which areas to improve to achieve the expected outcome with your SaaS marketing strategy. 

The perks of improving your SaaS marketing strategy as a SaaS company 

An effective SaaS marketing works to achieve three key objectives, and these work together to help your SaaS company grow. Check out these benefits below. 

  •  It provides increased visibility 

The difference between a basic SaaS marketing strategy and a kick-ass strategy is that the former helps to increase your publicity a great deal. 

Rather than have a mediocre number of visitors on your website, an expanded SaaS marketing strategy increases your brand awareness by improving your SEO. 

This gets your brand noticed by your audience, increases your website’s traffic, and skyrockets your sales. 

  • It helps with lead generation and nurturing 

An improved SaaS marketing strategy means better leads and better chances to nurture those leads to customers. 

With a working SEO strategy, a seamless website experience, and an effective email marketing strategy, it’s almost impossible for your visitors to say no to signing up on your platform or become your loyal customers. 

  • It provides a better communication system 

An excellent SaaS marketing strategy helps you build stronger relationships with your leads and customers.

It lets you connect and engage with your audience in the best way possible. Through this, a rapport is created, which makes getting your audience to subscribe to your service a lot easier. 


This article discussed seven practical tips to enhance your SaaS marketing game. 

They include creating valuable content that makes your audience trust you, refining your SEO strategy for increased website traffic, offering free trials, personalizing your emails, creating actionable CTAs, and analyzing your efforts with demand generation metrics. 

Start using these tips to generate leads, increase sales, and retain your customers. We hope you had a great time reading this post. 

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