The Art of Networking – Seven Tips to Get Started - IQVIS Inc.

The Art of Networking – Seven Tips to Get Started

Businesses, trainers, educational institutes, and upcoming start-ups worldwide need a space confined for them to think and work together. Networking is an essential part of every business, heck, every group of people working on a single task because they can’t progress as a team without it.

Networking employees, friends, and groups to interact with each other and bring out the best in order to achieve a unified goal. In fact, some groups pay a significant amount of money to arrange networking events and promote their business. Even though these people may have loadsamoney or abandoned places, they need to figure out how to find their target market and how to conduct a successful networking event.

So, if you’re planning on organizing/hosting a networking event or want some simple tips to make connecting with people easier, look no further. Listed below are a few helpful tips.

Work smarter, not harder

Once you have established a strong network, you will have a group of people who are good at things you may not be. These could be departments where your skills are lacking. As a result, these people help you get work done without putting in too much effort. Consider categorizing your new relationships into groups based on the skills of the individuals, how long you’ve known them, and how good your bond is with them. Having a strategy like this can lead to you knowing who to connect with and how.

Arrange meeting rooms

Modern-day private workspaces and meeting rooms are taking the world by storm in a time where companies and entrepreneurs are trying to manage costs more effectively. Japan has some of the best possible options available that are suitable for events of all sizes. You can book meeting rooms in Japan offered by the Executive Centre if you’re hosting a networking event in the vicinity. You will have access to all the amenities you could need, including high-speed internet connectivity, AV options, and whatnot. Similarly, look for modern rooms in shared workspaces near you by running a quick Google search. You’ll come across plenty of options to host a networking session.

Eateries can be great places to network

If the corporate vibes make you feel suffocated, eateries are a good option. In addition, home-based businesses are the ones that are always in dire need of meeting spaces for hosting practically any meeting. Hence, coffee shops and restaurants with ambient, light music are excellent meeting places for such businesses. These places allow potential partners and collaborators to spend long periods discussing and getting to know each other. Of course, there’s food and drink too!

Work on your body language and gestures

Networkers need to ensure people know they exist. If you continue to use your phone, nobody will notice you, nor will you be able to get to know people. Making eye contact with people, along with giving them a big, toothy smile, can help you get everyone’s attention. As a result, people will want to be approached by you. Nametags are a great addition as they allow others to know your name and, as a result, come up to you.

Start a general conversation

It’s always a good idea to start your conversation with something that isn’t work-related. Having a casual conversation can help you get to know your potential client better, or better yet; they could turn out to be a friend of a friend. Once you have a chat about something that is not work-related, you will realize you and the other person might have a lot in common.

Show passion

Be it your off-work life or your work life, being passionate can do wonders. To the average person, being passionate or putting in effort may seem like a difficult task. However, in reality, it is simple. You get to meet new people and interact with them, which, as a result, gets you customers and clients. Try to connect with people without seeming boring.

When you strike a conversation, ensure you are also a good listener. Focusing on the other human’s body language and judging whether or not they are engaged could help you improvise. Also, show that you are interested. Your body language should reflect that you are highly interested in what they have to say or offer and proceed to ask them how you can or would approach them; this could be via email or text. Learn what makes you stand out and use it to your advantage. Target a few people that could turn from unknowns to potential acquaintances or maybe even clients.

Use business cards

Since it is practically quite hard to carry your resume all the time, a business card is a reasonable substitute and can do wonders. A business card contains only the essentials, such as your name, designation, and employer. All these details speak for themselves and provide others with your contact information. A business card also has a backside with nothing on it. Take full advantage of that and put it to good use. Use it to describe your business and showcase your talents and achievements. Or maybe take quick notes or record someone else’s contact info.

Always be prepared

A successful person who intends to build strong connections with others at an event is always prepared. As mentioned above, ensure you have a business card holder with a stack of business cards in it, so you never run short of them. If you know about the event and also know who will be there, you can prepare beforehand. You might be able to find out who will show up. Moreover, to make yourself feel less nervous, you can go through the experiences of other people. Speeches usually tend to get corny, which is why you should come up with something original and captivating. Talk about what motivates you, what you like, and who you follow.

Don’t forget to follow up

An essential thing to do after the networking event is to follow up on all your new contacts. Drop them a text or email them at the earliest so they can get back to you, and you can arrange a meeting ASAP. It is hard to remember who’s who after meeting numerous people in a small amount of time on the same day. Ensure you make your contacts remember you so that you may reap mutual benefits in the future.


Networking is the holy grail of extroverts at the meet and greets. They fully capitalize from them and also take them to their advantage. Networking requires a lot of hard work. It requires a list of things that every networker must follow to become an asset for their company or business. The tips above should help you get a thorough idea of how to master the art of networking.

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