Why is it Important to Monitor Mobile Applications in Real Time? - IQVIS

Why is it Important to Monitor Mobile Applications in Real Time?

Today, mobile app developers and businesses are investing heavily in Android and iOS mobile app development because of the staggering rate at which iPhones and iPads are capturing the market. One of the trends in mobile app development is the rising popularity of real-time mobile application monitoring features. These features are a must-have in almost every mobile application due to the various advantages they offer.

Here are a few benefits highlighting the importance of monitoring mobile applications in real-time.

Quick data access

Real-time monitoring is preferred in Android and iOS mobile app development as it implies quick and easy access to app data. It also facilitates high-speed data sharing to ensure better user experience and thus, seamless business.

Issue resolution

Without monitoring mobile applications, problem diagnosis gets very difficult and there are high chances of errors, performance issues, and poor user experience, which can lead to business loss. Timely resolution is facilitated by real-time performance monitoring of mobile applications to identify and analyze app bugs and crashes. Alerts for unique crashers and auto-capture of stack traces help developers to this end. Real User Monitoring (RUM) is possible by gathering performance data from mobile apps.


The integration of real-time app monitoring features in chat, gaming, and cloud apps gives a clear view of activities on both sides. This helps in making real-time tweaks for app developers to boost user engagement. It also places businesses in a better position for higher collaboration with users. This helps users in app installation and updates and also in getting alerts about bugs and malfunctions without hindering usage.

Tracking individual behavior

For businesses offering mobile apps to their customers, it’s imperative to track the apps beyond their download stats. Real time monitoring in Android and iOS mobile app development helps developers in analyzing user behavior to enable organizations to extract higher profits. With real time app monitoring features, developers get to know the time spent on each view, user behavior, button presses, text inputs, etc. It is exceedingly easy to filter users by geography, device type, carrier, etc. for prompt actions. In-app logging helps identify device configurations to identity problem-causing devices.

Cost savings

Cloud-based monitoring of mobile applications vastly cuts down their maintenance costs and other associated expenses, which is a major concern for all businesses. Developers get enough time to focus on improving the app by working on core competencies and user experience.

Convenient dashboards

Mobile application monitoring is carried out with a set of easy-to-use dashboards that make the process easy to visualize and control. There are features to link the performance of the app to that of the business. With interactive dashboards, there is efficient monitoring of the health of the applications for achieving better results.

Benefits of real-time app monitoring in iOS mobile app development and other platform app development suggest that the feature is no longer an option but an absolute necessity for businesses. For apps to attract more users and revenue and become cost-effective, they must have the real-time monitoring feature.

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